Tuesday, November 26, 2024




List Surfing is an effective manual traffic exchange blended with a viral list builder and the power of social media. Since that is a mouth full, let's break it down.

manual traffic exchange generally works as a peer to peer advertising system whereas by viewing other people's sites you will get other people to view yours.

viral list builder generally works the same way except instead of viewing just a website, you receive e-mails in exchange for sending your own e-mail to the list.

They both work on a credit basis, meaning you either have to purchase credits or earn those credits by viewing more members' sites or e-mails. You then spend those credits on sending your own e-mail or getting your site seen.

We have experienced great results advertising on both types of systems, but with List Surfing we have done something entirely unique...

With List Surfing you don't need to spend credits to get your website seen in our Traffic Exchange rotation system. This basically allows you to get double the amount of exposure from List Surfing than you would from any other site simply because in addition to sending your e-mail advertisements, your sites also get unlimited visitors from our site rotator as long as you are "active". Staying in active status is easy, all you have to do to qualify is view 50 sites a month, as well as 5 e-mails each month. This generally takes only about 20 minutes... and in return could send you hundreds or thousands of visitors! For the amount of effort you have to agree that is a HUGE return. Alternatively, you can purchase the Always Active upgrade and never need to view sites or e-mails.

Surfing is the term used for when you view other member's websites within the traffic exchange rotation system. Since when you surf at List Surfing you don't need to earn credits for getting your site shown (since it will already get unlimited visitors in rotation if you are active) you will earn mailing credits instead. You can then use the mailing credits you earned during surfing towards sending your offers through the member mailing system just like you would through a viral list builder.

We also wanted to reward you for reading mails... so every time you click and view the earn impressions link within mails you receive from our member mailing system you will earn free banner and text ad impressions! This is another great way to increase your exposure to the membership and maximize your results.

We believe after surfing at List Surfing you will want to make us your primary traffic exchange!

Here are a few benefits that make us proud...

Thumbnail Surfing

You get to choose the next site you want to see from your choice of thumbnails. Thumbnails make surfing easy and fun! Our sophisticated anti-cheat makes sure you only get real website visitors, so the value of the credits you earn is REAL.

Social Integration

Users can share your site on facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, linkedin, and more... directly from their surf session. They will also see your profile card, and can visit your profile to leave you a comment or even opt-in to your list!

Feedback and Interaction

When a site is displayed users can post their comments on the site. This means as an advertiser you can get valuable feedback on what people think about your page or offer. Other members can see other member's comments which can increase your conversions greatly! You can respond to concerns and get users to understand and take action!


Chat is a great way to not only keep people viewing each site longer than required, but also to keep users alert and receptive. It is also a great tool to ask questions, or just to network with other like-minded members. With your profile image and name showing up everywhere you will create a sense of familiarity and trust so when your site is viewed users will be even more responsive.

Surf Awards

As you are active in List Surfing you will earn ribbons that you can show off on your profile and member card... for surfing, reading mails, getting your sites liked, tweeting, referrals, and more!

In addition, you can get rewarded extra credits by either being entered into our daily surf drawings and being a lucky winner, or by surfing and winning guaranteed surf rewards!

In the same way we've described all the social aspects while surfing, you will also notice the same features when you view mails and click on the earn impressions links. This alone is a totally unique feature in viral list building.. but we didn't stop there!

In List Surfing, members will only receive mails if they want them. Just because you are a member of List Surfing doesn't mean you are required to receive mails from other members. This means you are only spending credits on sending to users who will open and read your mail! And here's another first...

Only members who have interacted with mails within the last 3 months are eligible to receive any mail. Anyone who does not read any mails sent to them is automatically set to a vacation mode. This ensures that your mailings will have ridiculously high click through rates!

We have tens of thousands of users ready to receive your mail, and many, many, more are joining right now!

Our full website views and e-mail ads are only part of what is available to you here at List Surfing. We have made even more advertising options available such as Featured Ads, Banner Ads, Text Ads, Start Pages, Login Ads, and more. You can even place an opt-in box on your profile. To experience everything List Surfing has to offer make sure to register now!


BUY 1,500  MailingCredits - $3.30


listsurfing FOR CLICK

Sometimes the site is slow

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